
The Biggest Critic

Who is your biggest critic?  I had a boss once that was very demanding.  It seemed like nothing I ever did was good enough so I worked harder and harder.  Eventually our minds aligned and I was able to produce the results expected of me.  Even though this boss was difficult, he was not my biggest critic.  In relationships, your significant other may advise, subtly suggest, or demand that you make some changes in your life or personality for the success of the relationship.  Sometimes this can seem like a lot but most likely, your significant other is your biggest supporter...not your biggest critic.  In my experience, my biggest critic is me.  I criticize everything I do, always questioning if I'm doing my best.  This can include work, education, volunteering, exercise, finance, and relationships.  This can end with great results but it can also waste precious time when I obsess over perfection.  My biggest critic will always be around.  It's up to me to determine if his critiques have merit and should be addressed or if they are petty.

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