
Stay Focused

It's a beautiful day outside; the sun is shining brightly.  It could be a great day to go to the beach.  But that's not currently in my plans.  Today is a homework day for me.  I will spend most of my day trying to do my homework...with emphasis on trying.  I love technology.  It keeps us entertained but when I have homework to complete, it is the worst thing.  It's good that I can use my laptop to complete my work and it's good I can go to the Internet to research topics.  It's not good that I would rather be watching movies on my AppleTV (Support Apple!) or Netflix.  Should I even mention Netflix with so many people being upset with Netflix?  Regardless, I will mention them.  I'm not upset with them but that's because I've never used the DVD ordering side of Netflix.  Overall, technology is great but it can make us waist time so like everything else, it's good in moderation.  We must stay focused and continue working towards our goals.  Right now, my focus is on completing my degree so it's back to the daily grind...homework time!

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